The Key Steps to Starting Your Business

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Yes, now you’ve heard it one more time: It starts with a plan. It astonishes me that we will plan a party, a trip, lunch with a friend, but we don’t plan for a profitable business. Which is more important?” There it is, the foundation for this month’s article on developing a business plan.

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Lessons I’ve Learned in the First 5 Years of My Career

I’m happy to say that 2017 marks five years since I’ve received a W-2. While there are many other photographers who can say they’ve been shooting for decades, I can say I was able to build a business when everyone was doing it for free. I want to provide both aspiring photographers and struggling professionals with the real-world lessons I’ve learned the past five years.

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What To Do When You Fall Behind in Your Business

Everyone knows that it takes hard work to get to the top of your industry. Building a business is no joke, and the amount of work it takes to get to your desired level of success can seem overwhelming. What most people don’t talk about is the fact that once you make it, you have to work just as hard to stay there.

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