In-Person Sales Strategies for Out-of-Town Clients with Alissa Zimmerman

If you want to start making the cash register ring, in-person sales is the way to get that started (if you’re not already doing it). For those of you who are doing in-person sales, how do you take on out-of-town clients who can’t come into your studio after their session for their preview?

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Branding for High-End Weddings: 3 Things You Can Do Right Now with Vanessa Joy

One of the biggest challenges photographers face is finding high-end clients. People expect me to have some sort of pat answer that tells them how to start charging $10,000 per wedding or get that wedding that runs $18,000 or $19,000.

Continue ReadingBranding for High-End Weddings: 3 Things You Can Do Right Now with Vanessa Joy