Clean House with Skip Cohen


Clean House with Skip Cohen

Here’s the challenge: It’s February, and for most of you, that means one month of the slow season has already passed. I hate sounding like your mother when you were a kid—in my house, at least, I was constantly being yelled at to clean up my room. I’d do it as fast as possible, stuffing things into drawers, getting the bedspread on without really making the bed, and pushing stuff under the bed.

Well, a lot of us have never really grown up. In everyone’s house, there’s at least one drawer that’s the universal junk drawer, and the same for your desk. You’ve probably got a closet or two that may get cleaned up under the umbrella of “spring cleaning,” along with various corners of the garage, but what about your business?

Where are the key bottlenecks that rarely get the attention they need? What are the projects you meant to tackle in January, but the month simply got away from you? The first quarter of the year in just about every market tends to be relatively slow. Don’t let this opportunity to strengthen your business a little with some overdue “house- cleaning” pass you by.

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To read the full article, launch the digital version of the February 2014 magazine.

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