New Westcott Fusion by Salvatore Cincotta

The new Westcott Fusion by Salvatore Cincotta is something I’ve been working on with Westcott for a couple of years now. It’s an incredible product that will give you more lighting possibilities than you could imagine. Check out this on location shoot and how we use the product. More videos coming.

What’s up everyone? I’m Sal Cincotta. Today, let’s check out the brand new Fusion by Westcott.

So I’ve been working on the Fusion for two years with Westcott. Why did we create it? I wanted a lightweight, portable tool that had multiple uses. I don’t want to carry a scrim, a white reflector, a black, a silver, a sunlight. I needed something that would allow me to do my job without always having to rely on an assistant. So ease of use and portability were crucial to this process.

Now, one thing you’ll notice, this is up and running in 60 seconds or less. Not only that, we have stakes, so if it’s windy, no problem.

So what are the 10 uses? We’ve got a silver reflector, shoot-through silver reflector with a hole that we’ve cut into the reflector to allow direct light. You’ve got a sunlight reflector, shoot-through sunlight reflector, white reflector, white backdrop, black to block the light, black backdrop, a diffusion panel, but most importantly, a diffusion panel with attachments that allow you to attach either speed lights or an FJ200 strobe. So now you are creating probably one of the largest soft boxes in the field known. And best of all, if you like what you’re seeing right now, we’re filming using this.

So it’s perfect for headshots, video, or whatever you’re trying to create. This is an incredible tool. Let’s check it out.

Settings: f/2.2 @ 1/2000, ISO 200
Settings: f/2.2 @ 1/1600, ISO 200
Settings: f/2 @ 1/2000, ISO 200
Settings: f/2 @ 1/2500, ISO 200
Settings: f/1.2 @ 1/2500, ISO 50
Settings: f/1.2 @ 1/2000, ISO 50
Settings: f/1.2 @ 1/8000, ISO 50
Settings: f/2 @ 1/5000, ISO 50
Settings: f/1.2 @ 1/1600, ISO 50
Settings: f/1.2 @ 1/2000, ISO 50
Settings: f/1.2 @ 1/2000, ISO 50
Settings: f/1.2 @ 1/1600, ISO 50
Settings: f/1.2 @ 1/2000, ISO 50
Settings: f/1.2 @ 1/1600, ISO 50

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