Off-Camera Flash Set Ups For Beginners with Brandon Cole
When I started on my journey into the world of photography, I didn’t know what to expect or where to start. All I knew is that I wanted to create amazing images and create incredible art. I remember seeing numerous creative images online and in magazines and I would think to myself, “How was the photographer able to capture that image?” and “How were they able to produce such dramatic composition that completely captivates the audience?”
These questions along with many more heightened my curiosity, driving me into the beginning stages of photography, not knowing that off-camera flash would become something I would master one day.
As a portrait photographer, it’s extremely important to be aware of the lighting conditions that you face in natural environments. Whether you are looking to use natural light or off-camera flash when shooting outdoor portraits, understanding the effects of both will provide you with your desired result.
Off-camera flash is like preparing an amazing full course meal. We all like a good steak, but when you really want to go all out, you add items to compliment the steak like a salad, seared red potatoes, asparagus and butter wine sauce. When you take a picture, that’s just it, a picture; but when you really want to change the dynamic of a photo, add a little off-camera flash, maybe two lights, color gels, fans, smoke and much more. Off-camera flash opens up a new world of possibilities in the creation process of an image. It provides the photographers control over lighting conditions and creates opportunities for creative brainstorming and management. It allows you the freedom to capture images any place, anytime and anywhere using artificial lighting. Having the capability to control your own lighting and light output without having to rely on natural lighting is a game changer. The only restriction to off-camera flash is your imagination.