5 Tips to Boost Productivy with Kristy Dickerson


5 Tips to Boost Productivy with Kristy Dickerson

The ultimate goal for parents who work from home is to be able to do what they love for a living and still be a parent first. I am going to give you five tips that will help you and your business stay on track so you can still be Mommy/Daddy. Your kids are only young once. I admit I worked way too much when my son Roman was born almost six years ago. I didn’t have balance. I was still figuring out the whole parenting thing, all while starting a business, and I tried to do it all myself. I would do anything to be able

to go back and tell myself these tips. Don’t make the same mistakes I did. Enjoy your babies, do what you love and still be present for your spouse, significant other and family.


Kids or no kids, the earlier you start your day, the more productive you can be. If you have young kids and work from home, this is a must. This is your knock-out-today’s-list time, social media/blog post scheduling time. This
is how you set yourself up for the day to be there for your kids and still get your work done.

Getting up at 5 a.m. might not sound appealing, but as weird as it sounds,
I love it. I know this is one of the only ways I can have balance and work from home without putting him in daycare or hiring extra help. And I don’t want that. By the time my family gets up, I have already done so much, and I start my day feeling accomplished.

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To read the full article, launch the digital version of the February 2014 magazine.

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