5 Ways to Push Your Creativity In 2022 with Sal Cincotta
Ever feel creatively stalled? We all do from time to time, but successful photographers know how to break out of their Creativity slump. Here are some of the ways I’ve learned to push myself and grow over my career. Push Your Creativity
Make a list of where you are weak
We are all weak at something, right? This is one of the things I would say, I’m really good at. As I write and read this it’s making me chuckle at the seeming contradiction of this statement, but think about it for a second. We all struggle as we try to master our craft, but good photographers and artists are really good at acknowledging their weaknesses so that they can improve upon them.
This is the key to it all. As an artist, we have to commit to continuous improvement. We have to commit to critically looking at our work and acknowledging areas that need improvement.
If we do this every day, every month, every year, we have no choice but to get better.
So, what does that look like for you? Where are you weak? Where can you focus your energy this year on improving your craft? Make that list and now focus your educational energy on improving those weaknesses.
Find inspiration
Who inspires you? Is it another photographer? Is it a more traditional artist? Is it in cinema? What gets you excited when it comes to creating imagery? Start creating a Pinterest Board. This is something I still do to this day in my career.
My inspiration comes from Hollywood and fashion magazines. I rarely look at photographers in my niche. Not to say that’s wrong, but for me, I want to push myself in a creative way outside the norms for my niche.