Brand Consistency on Instagram


Brand Consistency on Instagram with Jonathan Tilley

Have you ever woken up in the morning and suddenly thought, “Ufff! What am I going to post on Insta today?!” If the answer is yes, then you’re losing out big time. You’re too late in the game. You’re way behind. 

Instagram IS our social media platform. Period. It’s the easiest way to book work. It’s a living, breathing, constantly evolving mini-website that people can interact with. Your Instagram is a conversation starter. But if you’re not setting the scene to make people want to have a conversation with you, then you might as well delete your profile, move into a Himalayan yurt, and pick elderflowers until you’re 95. 

So how do you set the scene to make people want to have a conversation with you? It’s called brand consistency. 

Brand consistency is a small amount of planning for a big impact. Brand consistency on Instagram is organising your Instagram feed in a way that it feels curated, elevated, and aligned with your photography business. Bye-bye random posts of food that you ate at a restaurant last weekend that have nothing do with your business. Hello organised Instagram content that oozes brand consistency. 


Is your imagery scattered all over Dropbox, external hard drives, and your desktop? Yeah no. That’s not going to work. Take the time now to create folders for each client if you haven’t already. Once the job is done, all final images are retouched, and your IPS session went crazy good, create another folder called INSTAGRAM. Inside the INSTAGRAM folder, create one folder for each client you’ve worked with. Drag all the images that you feel represent your work (even if the client didn’t pick them as their final images, it is your photography business after all) and drop them into that client’s INSTAGRAM folder. Yes, this is boring but YES it’s going to bring order to your social media presence and in turn build your brand consistency.


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To read the full article, launch the digital version of the November 2020 magazine.

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